Red Shifting eh?
Did you know that redshifting is an Astronomical/Physics term? It refers to the increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted from a source and the increasing distance of a targeted object. With redshifting scientist can map the orbits of distant stars and further yet discover if other planets exist around that star. On a less fortunate side of this all, police use a similar technique with radar guns to track how fast you're speeding, and then they bust your ass! Truthfully though, these two examples have great differences with few similarities as it may appear. In addition to those being totally unconnected, all of what I just said has merely nothing ot do with this song. I think the song looped a few times by now, and to tell you the truth the song doesn't go anywhere....:<
What you have, my friend, is a great intro idea for what could be a really GREAT song. You have created the scene now make the story ala leads and more drum patterns! Might I add the dark synth here is very cool sounding--now give it a purpose!
Keep it wildstyle!