not too happy :[
This track was kinda melancholly. Lil depressing no? I was hoping it to be a good dance song. It would work for a horror film tho. Interesting notations-do you play?
Keep working at it! Learn and grow on music.
not too happy :[
This track was kinda melancholly. Lil depressing no? I was hoping it to be a good dance song. It would work for a horror film tho. Interesting notations-do you play?
Keep working at it! Learn and grow on music.
I've listened to this song a few times now, and realised it gets worse :( it's my worst song on NG in my opinion.. However, I've got a newer one in the work to make up for it..
Thank you for the review though :)
Rap is actually my second hat, i have a vocal studio in my basement and I produce a healthy amount of tracks. As for this one it fits my tastes. A little excessive sometimes on the bass drum rolls. My boys would say you have to much VG sound to it all-prolly comes from the electronic background. They are always telling me the same thing, sorta like, "Your track sounds like a video game or something." Rappers--what do they know about making tracks, lol
W/e the z3ta is a hot synth-good work with it ;]
woooooooooooooooow sorry for such a late response lol. Yea, thats definately the elctronica background right there ^^; for rappers and making tracks.....there's a few out there who seem to get it XD
Love z3ta, glad you liked how i worked it in XD
(lol theres nothing wrong with having ur music in a video game.......i think it woudl be freakin sweet XD)
More ambient, less dance?
It's a tough call...
I really enjoy the ambient parts in themselves-and the trance elements almost ruin it all-but then again during the break back to the ambient it all kind of makes sense. So I am torn between the two.
Maybe try working on a remix of just an ambient version-or man up and kill a great style by perfecting these transition and synth choices. I dunno -least take out that goofy tee bee sounding synth in the begining before the trance part-or mod it so it fits in better.
The ambient is fricken tasty tho
hmmm......yea, the tee bee sounding synth does kinda sound bad here..... i can see what you mean XD
AS for the tastyness of the ambience....its what i do XD I started learning how to use FL by making ambient music. I would listen to Jason M. Clutz and try my best to make tracks that we at least SOMEwhat close to his XDD
sorry i couldnt make the choice easier on ya, but for me this track just kinda grows on ya :P
Thanks for the review!
Can I kill shit too!!??
Yeah, I could rock some head shots to this. Not bad work here at all. Prolly the best track of the four or five I have listened to. The vocoder synth seemed like it could use a compressor. Otherwise this track moves like no other. Great energy!
I really like this man! Reminds me of some old Unreal type tracks-yet it has great dance energy to it.
Keep it wildstlye!
glad you like the song manXD
Thanks for the review!!
Tune in to NG daily folks!
I wish they would play just atiny amount of electronic music on the radio where I live...:[
I'll keep wishin'.
Hopefully, ppl like you and I can push the boundaries and get some real music out there. I like the use of samples and radio static. The pluck thing that kicks in later before the fat bass thing mixes really well with the ever repeating high pitched arp part. The variations are subtle. Some parts seem a little too repetitive. Try chopping up your beats.
I like your thouhgt processes put into all this-nice style.
Thanks!!! Im glad you like my style of techno! Believe me, im trying my hardest to make works that will be deemed good enough for record lables and stuff, and believe me, if/when i do get signed, im gonna be doin my best to bring newer styles of electronica to the forfront of the techno scene. I didnt really try to do anything too fancy with this piece, which is why it was a bit too repetative, but im glad everyone is like the radio samples, i'm quite fond of that effect XD first time i tried it too ^^
Thanks for the advice, and for the review man!!!
El Classico
Traditional simple intro (pulled me in), good synth work. Easy to listen to this one-which can be a relief on NG.
Got a little muddy when a heavey verbed or possible long release time synth came in.
Mix down your synths and boost your percussion.
Nice sweeps.
Keep it wildstyle!
Yea, i was a bit worried that one of the synths * i believe the one that intro after the first* would clash justa bit too much, but i'll definately go back into the file and fix it up for future reference!! Thanks alot for the advice, the vote, and the review XDD
I'll keep it as wild as possible XD
Glad you enjoyed it!!
This was kinda funny to hear. Unfortunately it was hard to hear. You should work on your mixing, and this would be funny sutff to listen to. Unfortunately you didnt mix the artists together very well.
And what was that random hum noise? It was rather constant and annoying. ;]
Keep it wildstyle!
ok, i'll take the humming noise out in part 4. It was supposed to be like an ambient noise between songs but i guess it got overused... Thanks for the review!
VG Melodies :p
The melodies remind me of something out of a video game, like old school Nintendo FF type shiz. You had an interesting layer of synths that generally flowed together well. Unfortunately there is no central drive through out the song. Because of this there is almost a lack of flow and direction, and makes it hard for me to stay focused. I think the harp could be turned down, and the kick boosted. Keep working on your mixes.
Good progression.
Keep it wildstyle!
Your Friendly Neighborhood SineWeaver :]
"I think the harp could be turned down, and the kick boosted" - BeatmasterJAG
Lol thats funny, because i kerep getting revies to tune down the bass and kicks and highten the harp^^ well guess to please yah all, i'll just have to keep them both the same. Thanks for the review, and yah, looking back, the flow and drive was lacking. -Laesil
Hark teh teckno
the begining was decent. Although it sounded like basic MIDI until after some very clashing strings-when you used the harp synth thing that my buddy Schoolio is notorious for putting into his FL tracks. 'cept he boosts the attack on the harp so it just pushes deep into your skull and really grabs you by the teeth--er ear drum's hammers things I guess.
Anyway, you have some great concepts here. With experience you will make cleaner songs that flow real nice. Good melodies none the less.
Hit me up with a review, I'd appreciate it!
Keep it wildstyle!
Yah I kinda messed up one of the parts in the song that made it a bit messy, hence the name, but yah, having a little trouble with transitions, so the whole things seems to not flow as well as i hope to make them soon.
Thanks for the review, and I'll keep'um coming ^^ - Laesil
This got my head bouncin' especially after the decimated distortion part when it builds all up-nice like! And I liked the stuttered bass kicks...and a cool breakdown synths-great lead that comes in, very guitar like-almost a psy feeling! This one is cool. Did you get the distortion ideas from me or is that a coincidence? Great loopable too! lawl
Keep it wildstyle!
Haha, no they're not from you. Actually.. I didn't want it short.. so I started it on C1, hence making it too low to process >.<.
I have a degree in Recording and Engineering.........
so, what now!? I'll just make music...
Age 39, Male
Recording & Assembly
McNallySmith Music College
LandofSnow- Minnesota
Joined on 7/7/05